Now we’re in the 21st century, things are moving so fast, technologies are going to dramatically change. the young generation are addicted to the mobile phones, video games etc. Most of us barely have time to keep a blog.

Due to some reasons, we just can’t stick it out. to be honestly, keep a blog is definitely hard work, we have to collect all kinds of artices and organize ideas. most of blogers would failed because of the lack of passion and concentration. the truth is, your level of success depends on why and what you’re blogging for.

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Photo by Collin Armstrong on Unsplash.

The very first baby step is always importantPermalink

Let’s digging in blogging, There is no need to write something professional, just write down the things you have been through or the people you met. But always keep in mind, organizing the ideas and make it clearly to your audience are the key points.

At the begainning, it will be very tough in physically and mentally. just like me right now, especially with English. it’s almost killing me. what a stupid idea!🤣 but come down, have a deep breath. The more you write, the easier it will be. And It’s very benefited for you.

You will learn a lot!Permalink

If you have learned some skills from internet, and you want to teach your audience, to write you have to read and read a lot. in fact, it’s a whole different level between learning by yourself and expressing clearly to other people. thinking and planning makes you became a better writer.

Stephen King the novelist summed it up well “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” At the end, what you gain from writting is more valuable than the skill itself. There is a very distinct direct bonus from this activity. 

Your memories will prove.Permalink

Learning loss is usually expressed as a percentage of original performance; for example, students averaging 80 percent correct on test one and 40 percent correct on test two would have shown a 50 percent loss. The problem seems to get worse with age, with more than half saying they forget things more frequently as they get older.

In fact, we all struggle to avoid it in the entire life. Having a habit to writting not only make skills better but also give us a chance to review what we have learned. the more you have learned to start with and the more times you have reviewed in, you remember more later.

Sharing with othersPermalink

One of the most powerful benefits of blogging is the opportunity it creates for others to share the link to your blog. 90 percent of you problems, you can find the solutions from internet. There is satisfaction in helping others solve their problems, if you want return your benefits to someone, why not sit down and start a blog, it can certainly make a difference in other people’s lives.

Passion and concentrationPermalink

You may have a question that how to keep blogging in a long time, I think the interests and passions are what drive you to stick it out. Don’t post throwaways, or there would be a waste of time. Always thinking about what you are blogging for and planning to make it clearly, foucs on the skill you wanna teach or the way you expressed. try to have a minimum length to a post. These would be very meaningful to you.

Have a good luck,guys! Let’s start blogging!😝


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